Wednesday 23 April 2008

Of Laryngitis and Saintly Feelings

I woke up one morning sounding like a frog. Err... I didn't kiss a toad hoping he would turn into a handsome prince. And no, I didn't dream of it either!

A few hours later, I was sitting in Y Hospital with Dr. S, the ENT specialist, closely examining my throat like it's an archeological site! Then he told me with a beaming smile, "Nothing serious. It's just laryngitis." Larrying-What! After seeing my face go white, he quicky added, "It's just acute throat infection!" Phew! My sigh of relief was short-lived. He not only prescribed half a dozen pills for the next 2 light years - but also advised 'voice-rest' for a week. [Lightning, Thunder, Bells Ringing, Dogs Barking...] I obviously didn't shut up. I just spoke less.

Some people thought I am terminally ill, some thought they dialled the wrong number, some thought I am in love (@#%#$%#@), and some assumed I have 'generally sobered down' (God Bless them). When I spoke to Appa, he said "Wow, mellowed eh.. you sound so lady-like" (Errr..How did I sound all these years?!) And I feel like a saint. An important saint that too – I think clearing your throat before uttering each word has that effect.


Have I gulped down gallons of ginger tea

Have I gotten addicted to hot tomato soup

Have I wrapped a repeatedly ironed and tormented piece of cloth around my neck,
hoping the warmth will create some magic in my infected throat!

Have I watched a sidey Hindi movie, without commenting on anything at all!

Have I said No to eating spicy garlic roast dosa

Have my friends said “Plsss speak. Say something no!”

This is gonna be over soon. I CAN deal with this state of 'not-talking.'

Hail Laryngitis. God probably issued it to me in public interest!


me said...

Finally our prayers are answered! ROFL! :D

salurocks said...

well remember the sayin dear!!!! "Better late than never" ;-)

Khush said...

"God probably issued it to me in public interest!"

Master stroke!