Saturday, 14 June 2008

One of These Things First

I'm in love with Nick Drake's voice. It's so pure, and my heart feels like a feather when I listen to him in the early-morning hours. I'm listening to his song One of These Things First. It seems witty in a very strange manner, so detached. It goes like this:

I could have been a sailor
Could have been a cook
A real live lover
Could have been a book
I could have been a signpost (I can pull of being one quite easily ;)
Could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle
Steady as a rock
I could be
Here and now
I would be, I should be
But how?
I could have been
One of these things first

... rest of the Lyrics

You must try singing's a lot of fun :) And oh... I almost forgot the most important thing - You can listen to the song here. Happy Listening!